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Results 31-40 of 53 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-05Physicochemical characterization of Oxalis tuberosa starch for possible applications as excipient for the design of solid pharmaceutical formsLucero Borja, Diego Sebastian; Vaca Farinango, Helen Pamela
2024-06Characterization of Ecuadorian native clays for the absorption of contaminants in waterChacón Torres, Julio César; Vega Muñiz, Fernando René
2024-04Synthesis and physical characterization of Carbon Quantum Dots from watermelon seed towards a biological applicationChimborazo Guerrón, Johnny Fabricio; Spencer Valero, Lilian Maritza; Puchaicela Lozano, Marlene Stefanya
2024-06A comparative study of structural stability, electronic, and spectroscopic properties of Carbon Quantum Dots (CQDs): a dual experimental/theoretical approachChimborazo Guerrón, Johnny Fabricio; Lara Vera, David Daniel
2024-06Ru Complex Compound interaction with Amyloid-β Fibrils for structure destabilization as a therapeutic approach for Alzheimer’s DiseaseTerencio, Thibault; Saucedo Vázquez, Juan Pablo; López Acosta, Alfredo Fernando
2024-06Design of a low-cost and adaptable functional recovery device for any arm amputation using novel manufacturing techniques and intelligent control systemsVillalba Meneses, Gandhi Fernando; Bramer Escamilla, Werner; Gualsaquí Gómez, Mario Geovanny
2024-06Development of an Ecuadorian Sign Language Database (LSEC) and real-time interpretation through action recognition with an LSTM deep learning model in PythonVillalba Meneses, Gandhi Fernando; Morocho Cayamcela, Manuel Eugenio; Vaca Benalcázar, Giovana Franshesca
2024-06Evaluation of parameters for the production and display of a recombinant protein on pIII protein of the M13 filamentous phageLucero Borja, Diego Sebastian; Loza Castro, Juana Elizabeth; Cedeño Palma, Francisco José
2024-08Apigenin loaded PVA/DMSO hydrogel: cytotoxicity, antimicrobial activity, antioxidant activity and delivery profileSpencer Valero, Lilian Maritza; Velásquez López, Paolo Antonio
2024-09Determination of the drug release profiles of four acidic and basic compounds in aqueous media: polyvinylpyrrolidone microstructures obtained by electrospray as controlled release vehiclesLucero Borja, Diego Sebastian; Carrasco Montesdeoca, Caterine Yesenia; Osorio Ordoñez, Daniela