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Results 11-20 of 165 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-02Sales Forecast by using Convolutional Neural NetworksChang Tortolero, Oscar Guillermo; Velasteguí Sandoval, Ronny Xavier
2020-02Credit Card Fraud Detection using Artificial IntelligenceChang Tortolero, Oscar Guillermo; Zhinin Vera, Luis Fernando
2020-02Prediction of time series using different types of forecasting methods enhanced with a meta-learning approachFonseca Delago, Rigoberto Salomón; Betancourt Benavides, Hugo Ernesto; Brito González, Carlos Andrés
2020-02Study of Artificial Intelligence Models Applied to the Analysis of Electroencephalograms in Alzheimer’s DiseaseFonseca Delgado, Rigoberto Salomón; Martínez Arias, Paola Nathaly
2020-07Frequencies of oscillations of free boundaries in a perfect fluidLópez Ríos, Juan Carlos; Correa Abendaño, María Lorena
2020-07State and parameter estimation in stochastic dynamical systemInfante Quirpa, Saba Rafael; Barragán Ramírez, Gabriel Alberto
2020-02Kriging and Kalman filter to estimate dynamic spatio-temporal modelsInfante Quirpa, Saba Rafael; Becerra Loaiza, Inti Israel
2020-03A Deep Learning Approach for a Symmetric Key Cryptography System.Chang Tortolero, Oscar Guillermo; Quinga Socasi, Francisco de Jesús
2020-07Optimization of Wu's algorithm for the elimination of polynomial variables by High-Performance Computing (HPC)Antón Castro, Francesc; Seraquive Cuenca, José Luis
2020-03Classification of leaf diseases in plants applying Deep Learning TechniquesGuachi Guachi, Lorena de los Angeles; Caluña Chicaiza, Giovanny Eduardo