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Results 21-30 of 35 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-01Activated carbon from avocado seeds as catalysts support: use in HDS catalysts and other processesViloria Vera, Dario Alfredo; Bastardo González, Ernesto Luis; Imaicela Ordóñez, Gloria Ginela
2021-07Use of artificial neural networks for estimating water content of natural gas mixtures taking into account heavy hydrocarbons contributionRicaurte Fernández, Marvin José; Montenegro Madroñero, Jhon Fabián
2020-11Predictive Modeling of the Primary Settling Tank in the Ibarra Wastewater Treatment Plant based on Artificial Neural NetworksRicaurte Fernández, Marvin José; Veloz Marmolejo, Carlos Eduardo
2022-06Comprehensive analysis of natural gas processing schemes for power generationViloria Vera, Dario Alfredo; Ricaurte Fernández, Marvin José; Yánez Herrera, Jhenson Wladimir
2021-06Preliminary process design of magnetic separation and segregation from ferruginous and titaniferous sandsRicaurte Fernández, Marvin José; Trujillo Vera, Willam Paul
2023-06Raw materials and usages of Biochar: a state of artRicaurte Fernández, Marvin José; Navas Cárdenas, Carlos Andrés; Velásquez Anrango, Ruth Noemi
2021-12A techno-economic assessment of natural gas valorization in the Amazon region to increase the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) production in EcuadorRicaurte Fernández, Marvin José; Viloria Vera, Dario Alfredo; Ortiz Gutiérrez, Darwin Patricio
2022-01A cellulose based composite as potential adsorbent for the removal of heavy metal ions from waterCaetano Sousa, Manuel; Bastidas Peña, Renny Jair
2022-01Effect of manure origin and effective microorganisms on the maturation time and nutritional quality of banana residue bokashiDe Lima Eljuri, Lola María; Goottman Jadan, Iván Rogelio
2021-06Study of regenerability of H2S adsorption pellets based on magnetic and chemical propertiesÁvila Sosa, Edward Ebner; Gallardo Aguilar, Andrea Michelle