Browsing by Author Villalba Meneses, Gandhi Fernando

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-10Artificial Intelligence to diagnose low back pain using motion capturesVillalba Meneses, Gandhi Fernando; Loján Cueva, Alejandro Bolívar
2022-01Biomechanical analysis of idiopathic osteodegenerative scoliosis of the lumbar spine through finite element analysisVillalba Meneses, Gandhi Fernando; Obando Angulo, Gabriela Belén
2024-04Description of an automated algorithm based on artificial neuronal networks for the detection of fractures from X-Ray images pre-processedVillalba Meneses, Gandhi Fernando; Cruz Varela, Jonathan David; Paspuel Montalvo, Emilio José
2024-06Design of a low-cost and adaptable functional recovery device for any arm amputation using novel manufacturing techniques and intelligent control systemsVillalba Meneses, Gandhi Fernando; Bramer Escamilla, Werner; Gualsaquí Gómez, Mario Geovanny
2024-04Design of an exoskeleton prototype for lower limb rehabilitationVillalba Meneses, Gandhi Fernando; Tirado Espín, Christian Andrés; Ávila Briones, Laura Nicole
2023-07Design of prototype of myoelectric hand prosthesisVillalba Meneses, Gandhi Fernando; Ortiz Vinueza, Lizbeth Dayanara
2024-06Development of an Ecuadorian Sign Language Database (LSEC) and real-time interpretation through action recognition with an LSTM deep learning model in PythonVillalba Meneses, Gandhi Fernando; Morocho Cayamcela, Manuel Eugenio; Vaca Benalcázar, Giovana Franshesca
2021-12Ergonomic evaluation of medical staff in Laparoscopic and General Surgery at “Hospital Teófilo Dávila” in MachalaVillalba Meneses, Gandhi Fernando; Sánchez Armijos, Kianny Miroslava
2021-12Finite element analysis of vertebral pneumatocyst in arthritic bone alterations with marginal osteophytes and deforming spondylosis in the cervical spineVillalba Meneses, Gandhi Fernando; López Falconi, Bernardo Rafael
2023-07Human gait analysis in biometric identification profiles using artificial intelligenceVillalba Meneses, Gandhi Fernando; Almeida Galarraga, Diego Alfonso; Arias Serrano, Ángel Isaac
2020-12Low cost neonatal thermic crib for home use (BioCrib)Salum, Graciela Marisa; Villalba Meneses, Gandhi Fernando; Yánez Tamba, Tamia Sisa
2024-11Statistical analysis of the obsolescence medical equipment in Type A Health Centers in the district of Ibarra-EcuadorVillalba Meneses, Gandhi Fernando; Guerrero Ligña, Stephanie Alejandra; Valencia Cevallos, Camila Marisol
2023-01System for monitoring and digital processing electrical signals from the heart to record and detect anomaliesVillalba Meneses, Gandhi Fernando; Valverde Montaño, Marilyn Stefany