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Showing results 1 to 20 of 855  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-072-Dimensional Quaternionic Fourier Transform and ApplicationsAriza, Eusebio; Chipantiza Punina, Carlos Javier
2023-043D Design of experimental setup for high pressure and variable temperature studiesRicaurte Fernández, Marvin José; Callataxi Suárez, Evelyn Andrea
2024-04A bijection between the triangulation of the associahedron and the parking functionsAnton Castro, Francesc; Rosero Pozo, Pablo Sebastian; Zhigue Álvarez, Dayana Mishel
2022-01A cellulose based composite as potential adsorbent for the removal of heavy metal ions from waterCaetano Sousa, Manuel; Bastidas Peña, Renny Jair
2024-06A comparative study of structural stability, electronic, and spectroscopic properties of Carbon Quantum Dots (CQDs): a dual experimental/theoretical approachChimborazo Guerrón, Johnny Fabricio; Lara Vera, David Daniel
2022-08A computer vision model to identify the incorrect use of face masks for COVID-19 awarenessMorocho Cayamcela, Manuel Eugenio; Crespo Yaguana, Jonnathan Fabricio
2021-11A connection between gravastar geometries and self gravitating spheres supported by anisotropic fluidsGonzález Vázquez, Gema; Carrasco Hidalgo, Mikaela Salomé
2021-04A data marketplace system for prediction and statistical analysis over sensitive dataCuenca Lucero, Fredy Enrique; Serrano Palacio, Nicolás Enrique
2023-10A decentralized-based blockchain framework for scientific manuscript peer-reviewMorocho Cayamcela, Manuel Eugenio; Cajas Guncay, Julio Rogers
2020-03A Deep Learning Approach for a Symmetric Key Cryptography System.Chang Tortolero, Oscar Guillermo; Quinga Socasi, Francisco de Jesús
2024-11A deep learning model for firearm detection in surveillance videosFonseca Delgado, Rigoberto Salomón; Crespo Yaguana, Brian Anthony
2020-11A dual experimental-theoretical approach to the spectroscopic properties of lignin originating from rose stemsLópez González, Floralba Aggeny; Terencio, Thibault; Delgado Andrade, Joselyn Nohemi
2022-01A dual theoretical and experimental approach about transporting conduction process on Chitosan/VAVTD filmsTafur Guisao, Juan Pablo; Iles Velez, Alisson Andrea
2021-06A dual theoretical-experimental study of Iron complexing with N-ligand: understand and design a catalystTerencio, Thibault; Jiménez Muñoz, Carlos Michael
2024-08A framework for web application development in smart campus environmentsIza Paredes, Cristhian René; Arévalo Torres, Carlos Andrés
2020-07A geometric approach of porosity: development of Delta Chem, a new software for finding adsorption sites in microporous materialsTerencio, Thibault; Castro Angamarca, Jorge Luis
2021-07A kernel-based strategy to design Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for learning spatial and temporal representation of weather variablesMorocho Cayamcela, Manuel Eugenio; González Vergara, Juan Fernando
2019-08A mathematical approach to upgrade slums in ecuadorian citiesMena Pazmiño, Hermann Segundo; Ronquillo Guachamín, Saulo Javier
2019-08A novel hydrogen peroxide sensor based on graphite electrode modified by multiwalled carbon nanotubes doped with hydroxyapatite nanoparticlesDíaz Barrios, Antonio; Moreno Barreno, Andrés David
2023-12A novel network science and similarity-searching-based approach for discovering potential antiviral peptidesRodríguez Cabrera, Hortensia María; De Llano García, Daniela