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Results 1-10 of 19 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-03Preparation And Characterization Of Modified-Cellulose Samples Obtained From Biomass For Potential Use In The Toxic Metal Removal.López González, Floralba Aggeny; De Lima Eljuri, Lola María; Saquinga Tirado, Dayana Nathaly
2020-03Remediación de la contaminación de agua por metales pesados con el uso de celulosa de la biodiversidad de EcuadorAlexis, Frank; López González, Floralba Aggeny; Figueroa Guayllas, Freddy Paúl
2020-09Modification of cotton gauzes with PH-SENSITIVE polymers by gamma radiationHidalgo Bonilla, Sandra Patricia; Bucio Carrillo, Emilio; Romero Fierro, David Alexander
2021-06Designing a passive cooling material based on woodMedina Dagger, Ernesto Antonio; Bermeo Alvaro, Domenica Romina
2021-06Degradation mechanisms of cellulose extracted from Ecuadorian plantsAlexis, Frank; Gordillo Corrales, Andrea Belén
2021-06A review on chitosan-based composite film reinforced with cellulose: morphology and mechanical propertiesMichell Uribe, Rose Mary Rita; De Lima Eljuri, Lola María; Sengés Bravo, Alejandro Iván
2021-06How to make an eco-friendly and unlimited printer?Terencio, Thibault; Chávez Ruiz, Jorge Humberto
2021-03Synthesis and characterization of an absorbent cellulose based hydrogel from different kinds of organic wasteAlexis, Frank; Suárez Jaramillo, Andrea Victoria
2022-06Characterization, mechanical properties, and degradation of thermoplastic starch and cellulose blendsMichell Uribe, Rose Mary Rita; Terencio, Thibault; Yanchapaxi Velasco, Adrián Xavier
2022-08Cellulose-based hydrogels towards an antibacterial wound dressingCarrasco Montesdeoca, Caterine Yesenia; Guamba Cajas, Esteban Leonardo