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Results 11-20 of 33 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-07Virtual modeling and design of an optimal light emitting diodes-based photocatalyst test systemCaetano Sousa, Manuel; Palma Cando, Alex Uriel; Fierro Pita, Oscar Alexander
2021-07Study of aluminum – pillared clays as catalyst supports for hydrodesulfurization and catalytic activityViloria Vera, Dario Alfredo; Bastardo González, Ernesto Luis; Criollo Amaguaña, Erick Damián
2021-06Oxidative dehydrogenation of macrocyclic ligands coordinated to nickel and copperSaucedo Vázquez, Juan Pablo; Masapanta Yugcha, Nelson Estorgio
2021-06Modelling of coordination polymer of M2+ (M = Zn, Co, Cu) from ditopic organic linkers (maleic acid, 1,2-dicarboxylic-bencene acid and 4,4’-bipyridine) and their photoreactive propertiesTerencio, Thibault; Ávila Sosa, Edward Ebner; Escobar Pullas, Alexander Eduardo
2021-03Material selection for oil production processes based on actual Ecuadorian oil reserves characteristicsViloria Vera, Dario Alfredo; Bastidas González, Richard Nelson
2021-05Inorganic Anticancer drugs based in iron and cobalt complexesSaucedo Vazquez, Juan Pablo; Román Barragán, Franco Jeanpierre
2021-06Application of the Canvas Methodology in the design of a business model for an industrial vacuum freeze-drying plantArcos Proaño, Claudio Marcelo; Inlago de la Cruz, Bryan Renan
2021-06How to make an eco-friendly and unlimited printer?Terencio, Thibault; Chávez Ruiz, Jorge Humberto
2021-05Kinetical models for facultative bacteria Cupriavidus Necator behavior on oil degradation from comestible oil wastewater industrySommer Márquez, Alicia Estela; Romero López, Henry Bryan
2021-07Sandwich monolithsTerencio, Thibault; Riascos Flores, Alexander Ricardo