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Results 31-40 of 116 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-06Study of the DKP equation for the hyperbolic tangent potentialRojas Cely, Clara Inés; Valladares Sánchez, Sebastián Mateo
2023-06Breaking new grounds in Zinc-Air battery research: studying the effects of innovative drying techniques on the structural and electrochemical properties of Carboxymethylcellulose-Chitosan-Citric Acid Hydrogels as Next-Generation ElectrolytesTafur Guisao, Juan Pablo; Bósquez Cáceres, María Fernanda
2023-06Boosting image captioning using ConvNeXt deep neural networksMorocho Cayamcela, Manuel Eugenio; Ramos Granda, Leo Thomas
2023-06Synthesis and characterization of chitosan aerogels for removal of Cr(VI) from wastewaterDe Lima Eljuri, Lola María; Peñaloza Tinoco, Danny Steven
2023-06Discrete event simulation using high performance computing for manufacturing processesArmas Andrade, Tito Rolando; Murillo Lucero, Luis Eduardo
2023-06Dynamic electromagnetic spectrum access through an action-specific deep recurrent Q-networkMorocho Cayamcela, Manuel Eugenio; Lomas Olale, Mateo Sebastián
2023-06Raw materials and usages of Biochar: a state of artRicaurte Fernández, Marvin José; Navas Cárdenas, Carlos Andrés; Velásquez Anrango, Ruth Noemi
2023-07Data analysis using Sparse PCAAmaro Martín, Isidro Rafael; Narea Navarrete, Fausto Alejandro
2023-07Geologic characterization of Salinas de Ibarra: discovering the origin of saltVázquez Taset, Yaniel Misael; Chusin Cunuhay, Rubén Ricardo
2023-07Artificial bee colony algorithm for nurse scheduling problem using high-performance computingFonseca Delgado, Rigoberto Salomón; Aristizábal Scacco, Daniel Santiago