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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 69
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-03Fabrication of PVP nanofibers with carbon nanotubes and cobalt ferrite nanoparticlesBriceño Araujo, Sarah Elisa; Dávalos Monteiro, Raúl Leandro; Cevallos Durán, Vinicio Javier
2024-03Annealing high-temperature treatment of CVD-grown grapheneChacón Torres, Julio César; Sallo Chabla, Nardy Jacqueline
2023-12Synthesis of caffeine/Poly (vinyl alcohol) polymer with UV-protection propertiesChacón Torres, Julio César; Corredor González, Luis Gerardo; Trujillo Galarza, José Ignacio
2023-12The study of diatoms doped with nanoparticles for atrazine adsorptionBriceño Araujo, Sarah Elisa; González Vázquez, Gema; Aguilar Ramírez, Melany Nicole
2023-11Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy on CVD graphene-DNA compositesChacón Torres, Julio César; González Vázquez, Gema; Arellano Haro, Daniela Estefania
2023-06Cerium doped hydroxyapatite: synthesis and characterizationGonzález Vázquez, Gema; Briceño Araujo, Sarah Elisa; Ponce Guzmán, Juan Fernando
2023-02Embedded ceria nanoparticles in biopolymer elecrtospun fibers for biomedical applicationsGonzález Vázquez, Gema; Briceño Araujo, Sarah Elisa; López Mera, Cristhian Alexander
2022-09Luminescent polymersGonzález Vázquez, Gema; Díaz Barrios, Antonio; Freire Obando, Paul Eduardo
2022-08Review of 3D printing technology for cementitious materialsGonzález Vázquez, Gema; Quillupangui Cadena, Julio Alejandro
2022-08Optical characterization of graphene multi-layers on SiO2Chacón Torres, Julio César; López Loaiza, Xavier Alexander
2022-07Tight binding description of the electron-phonon and spin-phonon interactions in electron transfer in DNAPeralta Arcia, Mayra Alejandra de Jesús; Medina Dagger, Ernesto Antonio; Feijoo Valarezo, Steven Andrés
2022-06Influence of the magnetic field on the biomineralization of collagenGonzález Vásquez, Gema; Varela Salazar, Solmar Alexandra; Miranda Vega, Daniel Ricardo
2022-04State of the art in the use of carbon fibers and their mechanical propertiesChacón Torres, Julio César; Procel Mayacela, Milton Francisco
2022-03Modeling the spread of COVID-19 using the logistic modelVacacela Gómez, Cristian Isaac; Cachago Pillajo, Dennis Paul
2021-12Photochemical reduction of gold and silver nanoparticles on graphene oxideBriceño Araujo, Sarah Elisa; Suppan Flores, Gottfried Andrés; Pilicita Carua, Johanna Pamela
2021-09Photoactive activity of different natural dyes for possible applications in solar cellsBramer Escamilla, Werner; Romero Proaño, Pablo Andrés
2021-07Synthesis optimization for reduced graphene oxide-based electrodes from surface modified silica fibersChacón Torres, Julio César; De la Torre Oyola, María José
2021-06Analytical tight binding hamiltonian for 2D black phosphorusPeralta Arcia, Mayra Alejandra de Jesús; Freire Sosa, Dennis Alejandro
2021-06The optical properties of diatoms doped with plasmonic nanoparticles for biomedical applicationsGonzález Vázquez, Gema; Briceño Araujo, Sarah Elisa; León Valencia, Adrián Javier
2021-05Catalyst dependency for the growth of carbon nanotubesReinoso, Carlos; Corredor, Luis; Andrade Aguirre, José Roberto
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 69