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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 69 of 69
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-08Theory and Spectroscopy of Nitrogen-Doped Vertically-Aligned Multi-Walled Carbon NanotubesChacón Torres, Julio C.; Cortez Gómez, Sebastián Ismael
2019-08Biosensor based on tio2-mwcnts for hydrogen peroxide detectionGonzález Vásquez, Gema; Guerrero León, Lenin Andrés
2019-08Characterization of individualized hipco® single walled carbon nanotubes in dried dmf using potassium and sodium as charge transfer donorsChacón Torres, Julio C.; Layana Franco, Lorena Alexandra
2019-09Zirconia doped carbon nanotubes a Nanostructured systems for biosensor applicationsGonzález Vásquez, Gema; Jerez Masaquiza, Marlon Danny
2019-09PLA a comprehensive review, and the obtaining of its monomer from sugarcane bagasseLobos, Juan; Jamett Cobeña, Alex Daniel
2019-08Collagen Remineralization Induced by an Electric FieldGonzález Vásquez, Gema; Sulca Buitrón, Kabir Paúl
2019-08Spectroscopic and Microscopic Characterization of Homogeneous Dispersed Kaolinite/Carbon Nanotubes NanocompositesChacón Torres, Julio C.; Hinojosa Chasiquiza, Vanessa Giselle
2019-08Conductive/Luminescence hybrid compounds based on chitosan doped with LiClO4 and ZnOGonzález Vásquez, Gema; Gurumendi Sánchez, Marlon Patricio
2019-08Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured of TiO2 materials for controlled release of antiepileptic drugsGonzález Vásquez, Gema; Proaño Reyes, Cristian Eduardo
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 69 of 69