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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-11An experimental study on CO2 capture to identify additives to improve the sorption processRicaurte Fernández, Marvin José; Calva Salazar, Verónica Patricia
2023-12Nanostructured beds for the removal of acid gasÁvila Sosa, Edward Ebner; Montenegro Suárez, Andrea Pilar
2023-06Integrated study of formation and dissociation of THF hydrates at atmospheric pressureRicaurte Fernández, Marvin José; Albán Jácome, Karen Estefanía
2023-06Synthesis and characterization of chitosan aerogels for removal of Cr(VI) from wastewaterDe Lima Eljuri, Lola María; Peñaloza Tinoco, Danny Steven
2023-043D Design of experimental setup for high pressure and variable temperature studiesRicaurte Fernández, Marvin José; Callataxi Suárez, Evelyn Andrea
2022-12Effect of husk rice SiO2 on the thermal and mechanical properties of PLLA/PEG/SiO2 compositesSommer Marquez, Alicia Estela; Morales Carrera, Johanna Belen
2022-06Characterization, mechanical properties, and degradation of thermoplastic starch and cellulose blendsMichell Uribe, Rose Mary Rita; Terencio, Thibault; Yanchapaxi Velasco, Adrián Xavier
2022-05Cellulose based composite as cerium adsorbent from aqueous solutionLópez González, Floralba Aggeny; De Lima Eljuri, Lola María; López Loaiza, Estefan André
2022-02Expired drugs from the pharmaceutical industry as possible corrosion inhibitorsViloria Vera, Dario Alfredo; Ricaurte Fernández, Marvin José; Puma Torres, Marlon Guillermo
2022-01Pre-feasibility study on the corrosion inhibitors production from Ecuadorian natural sourcesRicaurte Fernández, Marvin José; Viloria Vera, Dario Alfredo; Miranda Contreras, Ariel Cristóbal
2022-01Evaluation of adsorbent capacity of magnetite-chitosan nanocomposites hydrogels against environmental pollutant compoundsMichell Uribe, Rose Mary Rita; López González, Floralba Aggeny; Carrión Martínez, Pablo Andrés
2022-01Green nanocomposites based on Thermoplastic Starch (TPS): a reviewMichell Uribe, Rose Mary Rita; Rivadeneira Velasco, Katherine Elena; Utreras Silva, Christian Alexander
2021-05Kinetical models for facultative bacteria Cupriavidus Necator behavior on oil degradation from comestible oil wastewater industrySommer Márquez, Alicia Estela; Romero López, Henry Bryan
2021-06Experimental techniques for the study of the degradation of pla and its blendsMichell Uribe, Rose Mary Rita; Chamorro López, Cindhy Jazmín
2021-06Synthesis and characterization of hydrogels formed by PVA-VAVTD-KOH used in Zn batteriesTafur Guisao, Juan Pablo; Reyes Jácome, Edwin Steven
2021-06A review on chitosan-based composite film reinforced with cellulose: morphology and mechanical propertiesMichell Uribe, Rose Mary Rita; De Lima Eljuri, Lola María; Sengés Bravo, Alejandro Iván
2020-09Diesel hydrodesulfurization and its impact on fuel market in EcuadorRicaurte Fernández, Marvin José; Bastardo González, Ernesto Luis; Toro Chalen, Andrea Paola
2020-02Encapsulation of photosynthetic plant cells within hierarchical silica monolith enriched with chlorophyll a by high internal phase emulsion (HIPE) for CO2 adsorptionSommer Márquez, Alicia Estela; Vaca Oviedo, Andrea Elizabeth
2019-09Ni-doped cu-btc for direct hydroxylation of benzene to phenolTerencio, Thibault; Zenteno Sanchez, Jeremee Paul
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19