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Title: Synthesis of chitosan fibers by electrospinning
Authors: Chacón Torres, Julio César
Corredor González, Luis Gerardo
Solano Orrala, Dulexy Dayana
Keywords: Quitosano
Issue Date: Aug-2023
Publisher: Universidad de Investigación de Tecnología Experimental Yachay
Abstract: Las fibras de quitosano electrohiladas se han estudiado por su biocompatibilidad y sus propiedades antibacterianas. Sin embargo, la producción de fibras puras de quitosano mediante electrospinning es un reto debido a su rígida estructura química. En este estudio se sintetizan fibras de quitosano optimizando la solución de polímero y los parámetros del proceso de electrospinning. Se elaboraron soluciones a varias concentraciones de quitosano a partir de caparazones de camarón, cangrejo y quitosano comercial (Sigma-Aldrich). Los disolventes usados fueron ácido acético diluido(AcOH), ácido trifluoroacético (TFA) al 99 % de pureza y diclorometano (DCM). Para mejorar su conductividad, algunas soluciones se reforzaron con nanotubos de carbono multipared (MWCNT). Se probaron varias soluciones de quitosano para electrospinning, pero ninguna produjo un chorro visible cuando se aplicó el campo eléctrico. Sólo cuando se utilizó TFA como disolvente se depositaron fibras de quitosano en el colector. La homogeneidad de las fibras electrohiladas se mejoró añadiendo DCM a la solución de quitosano-TFA. Mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) se analizó la morfología de las fibras; antes de la observación, las muestras se recubrieron de oro mediante pulverización de plasma. Las muestras que proporcionaron las mejores fibras fueron el quitosano de Sigma-Aldrich y el quitosano de cangrejo a una concentración del 4 % (p/v) utilizando TFA/DCM como disolvente. Al someter las fibras a un análisis químico mediante espectroscopia Raman, los resultados indicaron la presencia de grupos amino (NH_2) característicos del quitosano. Es interesante observar que los picos relacionados con el disolvente (CF_3) no eran visiblemente prominentes en los espectros, lo que indica que el proceso de electrospinning consiguió eliminar todo el disolvente. La producción satisfactoria de fibras de quitosano ofrece un nuevo enfoque para crear andamios inteligentes para la ingeniería de tejidos
Description: Electrospun fibers based on chitosan have been studied for their biocompatibility and antibacterial properties. Nevertheless, producing pure chitosan fibers through electrospinning is challenging due to its rigid chemical structure. This study synthesizes chitosan fibers by optimizing polymer solution and electrospinning process parameters. Several concentrations of chitosan were produced from shrimp, crab shells, and commercial chitosan(Sigma-Aldrich). The solvents tested were dilute Acetic Acid (AcOH), Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) 99 % purity, and Dichloromethane (DCM) . To improve their conductivity, some solutions were reinforced with Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs). Several chitosan solutions were tested for electrospinning, but none produced a visible jet when the electric field was applied. Only when TFA was used as the solvent, chitosan fibers were deposited onto the collector. The results showed that when the chitosan concentration was increased, the morphology of the deposition on the collector changed from spherical beads to interconnected fiber. The homogeneity of the electrospun chitosan fiber was improved by adding DCM to the chitosan-TF solution with a volume ratio 70:30 v/v. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyzed the morphology of the fibers; before observation, the samples were coated with gold using plasma sputtering. The samples that provided the best fibers were Sigma-Aldrich chitosan and crab chitosan at a concentration of 4 % (w/v) using TFA/DCM as solvent. Upon subjecting the fibers to chemical analysis via Raman spectroscopy, the results indicated the presence of amino groups (NH_2) that are characteristic of chitosan. It is interesting to note that the solvent-related peaks (CF_3) were not visibly prominent in the spectra, indicating that the electrospinning process was successful in eliminating all the solvent. The successful production of chitosan fibers offers a new approach to creating smart scaffolds for tissue engineering.
Appears in Collections:Biomedicina

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