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dc.contributor.advisorLadino Moreno, Luis Antonio-
dc.contributor.advisorHidalgo Bonilla, Sandra Patricia-
dc.contributor.authorPereira Guevara, Diana Lisseth-
dc.descriptionAerosol particles which are emitted to the atmosphere by primary or secondary processes, can act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and/or ice nucleating particles (INP) influencing cloud droplets and ice crystals formation, respectively. Therefore, aerosol particles are fundamental in the formation and modification of cold clouds and precipitation. This research studied precipitation samples from Mexico City (Mexico), Quito (Ecuador), and Altzomoni (Mexico) with the main objective of determining the concentration and composition of INPs to provide information about the role that aerosol particles play at tropical latitudes. Rain water samples were collected at different dates from July to November for Mexico City, and Altzomoni, and in June for Quito. Experimental analysis were performed with the Droplet Freezing Assay (DFA) and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FAAS) techniques. It was found that the three places under analysis were influenced by the presence of efficient INPs at concentrations in the range from 102 to 105 L-1 water. Surprisingly, the ice nucleating abilities of the samples from Quito and Mexico City were comparable. The aerosol particles contained in the rural samples (i.e., from Altzomoni) were found to be more efficient INPs, in comparison with the particles contained in the urban samples (i.e., from Quito and Mexico City). The high ice nucleating abilities shown by the rural samples are likely related with the presence of biological particles such as bacteria. When correlating the ice nucleating abilities of the rain water samples with their chemical composition from the FAAS, poor correlation coefficients were obtained. The present results from the densely populated cities (i.e., urban) were found to be consistent with literature data from urban places at tropical
dc.description.abstractLas partículas de aerosol pueden emitirse a la atmósfera y allí actuar como núcleos de congelación (INPs por sus siglas en inglés). Los INPs influyen en la formación de precipitación sobre los continentes y en el balance radiativo. Por esto, este trabajo estudia las habilidades para la formación de cristales de hielo de las partículas de aerosol que se encuentran en el agua de lluvia de Quito, Ciudad de México y Altzomoni. Para determinar la concentración y composición de los INPs en los sitios mencionados, se recolectaron muestras de agua de lluvia y se implementan las técnicas de congelación de gota y espectroscopia de absorción atómica. Se encontró que todas las muestras de aguas de lluvia presentan partículas de aerosol con habilidades nucleadoras de hielo. Pese a las diferencias entre Quito y México, los resultados obtenidos demostraron que las concentraciones y comportamiento de los INPs son similares y consistentes con la literatura. Contrario a esto, las muestras de Altzomoni indican mayor eficiencia en la formación de cristales de hielo. Finalmente, se establece que la correlación entre las concentraciones de los elementos Na +, K +, Mg 2+, Ca 2+ y las habilidades nucleadoras de hielo de las partículas es muy
dc.publisherUniversidad de Investigación de Tecnología Experimental Yachayes
dc.subjectIce nucleating particleses
dc.subjectHeterogeneous freezinges
dc.subjectRain wateres
dc.subjectChemical compositiones
dc.subjectParticulas nucleadoras de hieloes
dc.subjectCongelación heterogénea de lluviaes
dc.subjectComposición químicaes
dc.titleConcentration and composition of ice nucleating particles in rain water samples from Quito, Mexico city, and
dc.pagination.pages59 páginases
Appears in Collections:Química

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