Browsing by Author Vázquez Taset, Yaniel Misael

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-07Bibliographic review western cordilleraVázquez Taset, Yaniel Misael; Paillacho Simbaña, Bladimir Robinson
2023-07Characterization of haloclasty to reduce the deterioration of buildings in Urcuquí and near villages, EcuadorVázquez Taset, Yaniel Misael; González Salazar, Jenny Joselyn
2022-08Description and characterization of secondary salt minerals in the Chota Basin, EcuadorVázquez Taset, Yaniel Misael; Ávila Sosa, Edward Ebner; Zapata Paredes, Karen Melina
2023-07Geologic characterization of Salinas de Ibarra: discovering the origin of saltVázquez Taset, Yaniel Misael; Chusin Cunuhay, Rubén Ricardo
2024-05Incidence of physical weathering by salt growing deterioration process associated to the aggregates employed in the architectural structures of the Riobamba CityVázquez Taset, Yaniel Misael; Ávila Sosa, Edward Ebner; Hernández Mendoza, Jhonnatan Andrés
2023-07Is the deterioration of civil constructions related to using not adequate volcanic materials? case study: Ibarra CityVázquez Taset, Yaniel Misael; Salazar Herrera, Dylan David
2024-02Mineralogical characterization of sands from the Cotacachi-Cuicocha volcanic complexRodríguez Calvopiña, Mariela Fernanda; Vázquez Taset, Yaniel Misael; Guiz Chapi, Evelyn Zulay
2019-08Petrographic study of the pimampiro pluton, imbabura, ecuadorVázquez Taset, Yaniel Misael; Choez Macay, Kewrin David
2021-04Qualitative analysis of exogenous geological processes in the Ciudad del Conocimiento, ImbaburaVázquez Taset, Yaniel Misael; López Mejía, Carlos Andrés
2024-06Sequence stratigraphy of the central part of the Ecuadorian Coastal Basins combining seismic and well-log dataPérez Roa, Richard Anselmi; Vázquez Taset, Yaniel Misael; Ortega Cumbicus, Alejandra Nathalia
2024-09Sequence stratigraphy of the northern part of the ecuadorian coastal basins combining seismic and well log dataPérez Roa, Richard Anselmi; Vázquez Taset, Yaniel Misael; Pijal Morejón, Daniel Alexander
2020-04Tectonosequence Analysis Of The Manabi Basin, Ecuador.Vázquez Taset, Yaniel Misael; Carrillo, Emilio; Catota Villitanga, Milton Rubén