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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 92 of 92
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-04First-principles studies of the electronic and mechanical properties of 𝛼-Al/𝛾-Al2O3(111) multilayer compositePinto Esparza, Henry Paúl; Vásconez López, Edwin Marcelo
2020-06Conductance measurements on atomic-sized contacts of gold using a low-cost mechanically controllable break junction equipmentBramer Escamilla, Werner; López, Alexander; Borja Espinosa, Carla Nataly
2020-07Study of the scalar cosmological perturbations up to first order in deviation for the chaotic inflationary model.Rojas Cely, Clara Inés; Tapia Mora, Truman Emanuel
2020-07Beam Dynamics In Fourth Generation Linacs: Sirius And Clear Fist DataYepes Ramírez, Harold; Cocha Toapaxi, Carlos Eduardo
2019-08Scattering of scalar relativistic particle by the Lambert-W potentialRojas Cely, Clara Inés; Puente Lapuerta, Luis Germán
2019-08Viscosity analysis of clay-carbon nanotubes composites as potential drilling mudsChacón Torres, Julio César; Quilumba Dutan, Verónica Alexandra
2019-08Theoretical optical absorption and electron energy loss spectroscopy using LCAO-TDDFT-K-Ω of chlorophyll and carbon nanotubesMowbray, Duncan John; Preciado Rivas, María Rosa
2019-08Bayesian procedure for characterizing the physical parameters of the Binary Black Hole coalescence GW-170814Ramírez Velásquez, José Manuel; Torres Sánchez, Víctor Alexander
2019-08Study on the porosity of homogeneously Dispersed clay/carbon nanotubes nanocompositesChacón Torres, Julio C.; Lajones Zapata, David Eliseo
2019-08Characterizing the physical parameters of the Black Hole Binary coalescence GW170104: Distances, Masses, and Spins.Ramírez Velásquez, José Manuel; Solórzano Aguilar, Carlo Magno
2019-08Study of Sagittarius A* X-ray Spectra FlaresRamírez Velásquez, José Manuel; Contreras Guerra, Pablo Daniel
2019-08Synthesis and characterization of bentonite nanocomposites with SDS And MWCNTsChacón Torres, Julio C.; Calderón Cordero, Claudia Emilia
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 92 of 92