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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 92
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-07Density-functional theory studies on the diamond surfaces and effect of hydrogenation and surface carbon vacancies on the atomic and electronic structurePinto Esperanza, Henry Paul; Narváez Adams, Roberth Mateo
2021-06Structural characterization and electrochemical properties of natural carbon fibers decorated with nanoparticlesGonzález Vásquez, Gema; Briceño, Sarah; Corredor, Luis; Gaona Torres, Steven Javier
2021-06Interphase analysis of viscous flow in porous media to enhance oil recoveryMedina Dagger, Ernesto Antonio; León Fon Fay, Dalena Romina
2021-06Measuring the spin-polarization of oligopeptide molecule: ab initio and tight-binding calculationMowbray, Duncan John; Medina Dagger, Ernesto Antonio; Hidalgo Sacoto, Raúl Alejandro
2021-05Study of the Starobinsky inflationary model into the slow-roll approximationRojas Cely, Clara Inés; Orozco Sánchez, Esteban Alejandro
2021-06Generation of false color images of pigments and colorants in heritage artworksGonzález Vázquez, Gema; Almeida Cuatín, Jhonatann Carlos
2021-05Sociodynamical models on real social networksCosenza Miceli, Mario Giuseppe; Cárdenas Sabando, Ronald Andrés
2020-12Electronic properties of Li and K on graphene: top, hollow and bridge configurationsPeralta Arcia, Mayra Alejandra de Jesús; Hidalgo Parra, Andrés Alexander
2020-12Study of dense molecular gas in three local galaxies with data from the Gran Telescopio Milimétrico “Alfonso Serrano”Ramírez Velásquez, José Manuel; Ñauñay Chicaiza, Jéssica Pamela
2020-11In Silico prediction of antibacterial activity of sesquiterpene lactones using density-functional theory and quantitative structure-activity relationship methodsPinto Esparza, Henry Paúl; Puga Montesdeoca, Fabián Aníbal
2020-12GUP corrections to black hole thermodynamicsMedina Dagger, Ernesto Antonio; López Vélez, Eduardo Emilio
2020-12Radioactivity Influence by 40K in the KM3NeT DOMsYepes Ramírez, Harold; Alcívar Espín, Juan David
2020-10Ab initio study of the structural and electronic properties of Niobium Sulfide (NbS 2 ) and Lithium Niobium Sulfide (LiNbS 2 ) bulk and (001) surfacesPinto Esparza, Henry Paúl; Vega Bazantes, Jorge David
2020-12Tunneling through a Spin Barrier in Chiral MoleculesMedina Dagger, Ernesto Antonio; Zambrano García, Iskra Nicole
2020-07Controlled quantum teleportation over noisy channelsSvozilík, Jiri; Vega Alcívar, Andrés Paúl
2020-07Tight binding model of a superconducting nanowireMedina Dagger, Ernesto Antonio; Torres Luna, Juan Daniel
2020-07Solving the atomic structure of ultra-thin CaF2 layers on the Si(100) surfacePinto Esparza, Henry Paúl; Salazar Mejía, Joshua Mateo
2020-06Preliminary study of the angular dependence on light detection efficiency for the KM3NeT DOMYepes Ramírez, Harold; Mendoza Celorio, Génesis Marisol
2020-07Anisotropic interior solutions and Buchdahl’s limit in the context of gravitational decouplingMedina Dagger, Ernesto Antonio; Contreras Herrada, Ernesto José; Arias Pruna, Cynthia Belén
2020-03Dualities by gravitational decoupling in 2+1 dimensional spacetimes with cosmological term.Medina Dagger, Ernesto Antonio; Contreras Herrada, Ernesto José; Ramos Cisneros, Anthony Sebastian
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 92