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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 92
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-12Numerical Study of the Chaotic Inflationary Model with a StepRojas Cely, Clara Inés; Vega Pallo, Jonathan Javier
2022-09Two terminal devices for the CISS effect analytical and modelingPeralta Arcia, Mayra Alejandra de Jesús; Medina Dagger, Ernesto Antonio; Sanmartin Castillo, Miguel Angel
2022-09Ab initio studies of bulk and (001) surfaces of the metal halide double perovskite Cs2Au2Cl6Pinto Esparza, Henry Paúl; Vizcaino Rojas, Anthony Myron
2022-08Temporal causality in quantum teleportationGuevara Granizo, Marco Vinicio; Pineda Jimenez, Jonnathan Sebastian
2022-08Calculation of the differential conductance of a normal/superconductor junction in decorated GraphenePeralta Arcia, Mayra Alejandra de Jesús; Vera Nieto, Ricardo Andrés
2022-08Study of hydrogenic model of dyons with zero spinRojas Cely, Clara Inés; García Veloz, Edison Fernando
2022-06Development and implementation of a universal quantum simulator using the Qiskit platformGuevara Granizo, Marco Vinicio; Cofre Caiza, Gabriel Alexander
2022-07Computational studies on the atomic and electronic structure of γ − Al 2O3 surfacesPinto Esparza, Henry; Ayala León, María Paula
2022-07lectronic and transport properties of graphene decorated with alkali metals (Li and K)Peralta Arcia, Mayra Alejandra de Jesús; Chacon Torres, Julio Cesar; Vaca Chanatasig, Cristina Magdalena
2022-07Study of the Scalar Power Spectrum for the chaotic inflationary model with a stepRojas Cely, Clara; Calvache Trávez, Lenin Wladimir
2022-03Basic molecular electronics through break junction measurementsBramer Escamilla, Werner; Medina Dagger, Ernesto Antonio; Correa Rosales, Daniel Fernando
2022-01Construction of a quantum conductance equipment based on the Scanning Tunnelling MicroscopeBramer Escamilla, Werner; Caiza Chicaiza, Byron Alexis
2022-01Conversion of solar radiation into heat through carbon nanotubes with potential industrial applicationsReinoso Jerez, Carlos Alberto; Medina Dagger, Ernesto Antonio; Corredor González, Luis Gerardo; Huera Solórzano, Ariel Alexander
2021-12Regular black holes and non-linear electrodynamicsGonzález Vázquez, Gema; Medina Dagger, Ernesto Antonio; Espinosa de los Monteros Játiva, Kevin Paul
2021-12Electronic structure of nobel-graphene based superlatticesPinto Esparza, Henry Paúl; Garzón Armendáriz, Doménica Nicole
2021-12Computational studies of the size-effect and temperature on the electronic structure and stability of TiO2 nanoclustersPinto Esparza, Henry Paúl; Sánchez Naranjo, Jennifer Anaís
2021-11A connection between gravastar geometries and self gravitating spheres supported by anisotropic fluidsGonzález Vázquez, Gema; Carrasco Hidalgo, Mikaela Salomé
2021-10Study of the scalar power spectrum in the generalized Starobinsky modelRojas Cely, Clara Inés; Meza Anzules, Stefano Rafael
2021-08Study of the tensor power spectrum for the Starobinsky inflationary model using the uniform approximation methodRojas Cely, Clara Inés; Altamirano Coello, David Alejandro
2021-07Digital Compasses Calibration in KM3NeTYepes Ramírez, Harold; Darquea Chauca, Bryan Daniel
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 92