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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 92
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-04Understanding the formation and evolution of galactic superbubblesBanda Barragán, Wladimir Eduardo; Suárez López, Osmer Alexander
2024-03Computational physics as a tool for understanding physics: a case study of quantum mechanicsJácome González, Lenin Santiago; Chancay Ortega, Hugo Kenneth
2024-01Interior solutions by gravitational decouplingAndrade Acosta, David Marcos; Coello Villalta, Cristhian Enrique
2023-12Numerical study of Hilltop Inflationary (HI) ModelRojas Cely, Clara Inés; Zambrano Faubla, Jordan Alberto
2023-12Spatio-temporal chaos in continuous-time dynamical networksCosenza Miceli, Mario Giuseppe; Eraso Ortiz, David Nicolás
2023-11Structure of shocked gas in interstellar cloud-cloud collisionsBanda Barragán, Wladimir Eduardo; Navarrete Piedra, Pablo Sebastián
2023-11The complexity of polarization in social dynamicsCosenza Miceli, Mario Giuseppe; Carpio Rivas, David Mateo
2023-11Griffiths phase and nontrivial collective behavior in dynamical networksCosenza Miceli, Mario Giuseppe; Velez Rojas, Juan Sebastián
2023-10Computational studies of novel UIO-66-based MOF, stability, electronic structure and defectsPinto Esparza, Henry Paúl; Guerrero Cabrera, Nicole Paulette
2023-09Collective behaviors induced by heterogeneity in dynamical networksCosenza Miceli, Mario Giuseppe; Robalino Gómez, Kevin Alexis
2023-08First-principles ultrafast charge carrier dynamics of methylammonium lead halide perovskitesPinto Esparza, Henry Paúl; Cabrera Aguilar, Ariel Moisés
2023-07Unravelling the multi-scale and turbulent structure of galactic windsBanda Barragán, Wladimir Eduardo; Rojas Cely, Clara Inés; Villares Guanga, Andrés Santiago
2023-07Numerical study of the natural inflation (NI) modelRojas Cely, Clara Inés; Quinatoa Catucuago, Rony David
2023-07Computational studies of the metal-organic framework Cu2(CO2)4 + H2ABDC-X, (X = F, Cl, Br): stability, electronic structure, and defectsPinto Esparza, Henry Paúl; Vera Guzmán, Eder René
2023-07Usage of high energy photons to understand the interaction between CoFe2O4, chitosan, graphene, and glyphosate to describe its removal efficiency from waterReinoso Jerez, Carlos Alberto; Briceño Araujo, Sarah Elisa; Salguero Pesantez, Orlando Daniel
2023-06Study of the DKP equation for the hyperbolic tangent potentialRojas Cely, Clara Inés; Valladares Sánchez, Sebastián Mateo
2023-05Structural, morphological, and optical characterization of rare earth-doped HydroxyapatiteGonzález Vázquez, Gema; Briceño Araujo, Sarah Elisa; Caetano Sousa, Manuel; Vega Zerpa, María Fernanda
2023-02Modeling electronic properties of polymeric-based composite thin filmsMowbray, Duncan John; Zamora Ledezma, Camilo; Macharé Gallardo, Juan José
2023-02-02Application of neural networks to chaotic systems in economics.Mowbray, Duncan John; Guagua Torres, Erick Santiago
2022-11Raman spectroscopy in ancient materialsChacón Torres, Julio Cesar; Quezada Villarreal, Christopher Jhoanpier
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 92